Advantages for Forwarders | DoKaSch
The Opticooler® airfreight containers provide your pharmaceutical customers with a highly reliable, operationally and commercially tailored solution for the safe intercontinental transport of high-value and temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals. Applications include vaccination campaigns, air charters, product launches or destinations that are difficult to reach.
The Opticooler® is economically very attractive for shipments with several pallets compared to high-quality, passive multi-use solutions and simpler single-use packaging. With a "minimum chargeable air cargo rate" per EUR pallet in the RAP of approx. 330 kg and attractive rental fees per container, the Opticooler® RAP is economically very attractive for shipments with 2 - 3 pallets or more compared to passive solutions. With greater loading height, the Opticooler® RAP also offers extremely high loading volume.
The most important facts at a glance:
- Extremely high reliability and security
- High availability worldwide
- Convenient deployment
- Simple handling
- Flexible rental models
- Attractive rental conditions
You benefit from uncomplicated project management as well as extremely high availability. On request, an Opticooler® Consignment Stock (provision of a certain on-call stock) can be provided free of charge at the place of need.
The Opticooler® is provided by DoKaSch at the container loading site (Build-Up), free of charge and on the evening before the agreed start of the lease (SoL). This gives you the certainty that the container will be fully conditioned and ready for use the next day at the beginning of the early shift.
Impress your customers with our reliable and attractive transport solution for high-quality, temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals in intercontinental air traffic. The Opticooler® airfreight containers are an ideal choice in this segment and available almost worldwide.
We offer large free delivery areas in Europe, the United States and some regions in Asia. All containers are checked before delivery and are delivered with fully charged batteries. Operation of the Opticooler® is very simple and identical for both the Opticooler® RAP and RKN. They are ready for operation with just two clicks. An intuitive touch screen makes the operating controls easy to understand.
Naturally, we make our qualification and validation documents (OQ/PQ reports), developed by pharmaceutical QM specialists, available to your customers in the pharmaceutical industry. With a single global qualification, the Opticooler® can then be used for all worldwide air transports and across all climate zones easily and safely.
Customer Service
Our customer service performs rentals and deliveries of the Opticooler®.
Europe / Asia
Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 6142 836 938 - 12
The Americas
Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: +1 312 730 2927
Looking for individual advice?

For years, our customers have relied on the extremely high reliability of our Opticoolers® and appreciate the benefits of our diverse services. We would be happy to advise you too.
Andreas Seitz
Managing Director