How to rent the Opticooler® air freight container

The Opticooler® are available for rental (trip-rental) from the majority of well-known international airlines in our global network. The Opticooler® RAP and Opticooler® RKN are available ad hoc at numerous locations around the globe. The Opticooler® can only be used for one transport journey at a time. Longer-term rentals or several journeys during the rental period are not possible.

Standard Airline Rental

1. Booking

Please submit your rental requests directly to the cargo sales department of the respective airline. On request, we will gladly put you in touch with the right contact person. Bookings are usually made per shipment / AWB.

2. Delivery

The Opticooler® is delivered by us directly to the desired location on the evening before the start of the rental period. For quality assurance, a functional check is carried out at one of our DoKaSch-TS stations before the delivery of each Opticooler®. In our extensive free-delivery areas in Europe, the USA and other pharmaceutical hotspots worldwide, you can benefit from our free-of-charge delivery service. Regardless of the distance, we only charge a handling fee.

3. Return

After returning the container at its destination, the airline will take care of everything else, such as the return transport to one of our depots, if necessary. You do not have to worry about anything. On request, we can provide you with a detailed temperature profile of the container transport. Please ask the airline concerned for this. Invoicing and accounting are carried out directly by the respective airline.

Free-Delivery-Areas at a glance

Direct Rental

Do you have special requirements, for example in terms of the rental period? Then please contact us. We will be glad to help you. You can generally also rent the Opticooler® directly from us. Together we will find the best solution for your requirements.

Customer Service

Our customer service performs rentals and deliveries of the Opticooler®.

Europe / Asia

Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 6142 836 938 - 12

The Americas

Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: +1 312 730 2927

Looking for individual advice?

Please add 2 and 2.
For years, our customers have relied on the extremely high reliability of our Opticoolers® and appreciate the benefits of our diverse services. We would be happy to advise you too.
Andreas Seitz
Managing Director